Kamis, 03 Mei 2018


HAMZA H. WULAKADA, NIM: 137150100111012, Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, Post Graduate, Brawijaya University of Malang, March 2018, ‘Dimensions Of Environmental Philosophy Of Garuda As A Symbol Of The Life Of A Nation and A Country Indonesia. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Abdul Hakim.M.Si, Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS and Prof. Dr. Isrok, SH., M.Hum.
Ecological review against the existence of Garuda Indonesia as crucial to studied because reality was a multidimensional crisis that hit the nation's various komponan. Garuda philosophy of life has not been associated with a methodological basis of the philosophy of Pancasila such that the ideology of the nation are not termanivestasikan in the life of nation and State. This research aims to; 1) Analyzes the historical process of selecting Bird Garuda as a symbol of the country, 2) Analyzes public definition of the Garuda in mythology, semiotik and environment, 3) Analyze the empirical relevance of Garuda Pancasila philosophy, with 4) Putting together an effective learning about design philosophy of life Bird Garuda for students.

The theory that is referred to among others; historiography, the myth-ritual-Physiology, morphology and symbolic interaction. Acquisition of data through the study of librarianship (secondary) as well as the observation field and limited discussion involving experts competent interviewees [primary] so using qualitative descriptive analysis. His research focus is fixed on the diidentikan of birds as the bird garuda to pay attention to the pattern of his adaptation to the environment then illustrated using semiotik approach and to conception of social culture conditions with the community Indonesian.

History of the mythical bird garuda is adopted from Hindu civilization Nations, post-war State emblem proclamation of independence then to concessions are limited in the dynamics of the national anthem. Election process begins with the preparation of the Committee stages, designing, legitimacy, socializing and edification. Consensus is done to get the public recognition by changing the substance of his original form so that it produces a figure of mythical dimensions of Garuda Pancasila became a hawk eagle.

The element of novelty lies in the definition of the dimension of a coat of arms which was formerly part of the mythological objects, has a resemblance of the type and form of (morphological approach-Physiology) with hawk Eagle. Reality is now no authentic proofs patent copyright coat of arms of Indonesia so it's important to do a legal step to determine the empirical object from the garuda Eagle Eagle into a creature that is the incarnation of garuda. Interpret the symbols in the coat of arms of Garuda Pancasila becomes important because without granting meaning against cultural objects that have been passed down a generation before, then the resulting works will be lost in the human civilization in the future.

Coat of arms of Garuda Pancasila can meant through various approaches, namely the meaning of the konotatif (myths) and in denotative meaning (visual) primarily refers to the Eagle the Eagle the empirical object so that the dimension of philosophy can rationalise the meaning and sense of value Indonesia in the coat of arms. The recommendation is teoritiknya; [1] the value of historical truth are relative depending on the powers that control it, [2] consensus may not reach out to the whole public space in time instantly due to various considerations circumstantial, [3] a mythological paradigm is processed the cult can be eliminated with his values gave rise to a new rational objects made in the massif and systematic, and symbolic interaction [4] which is supposed to represent a user identity symbol turns out to be not entirely true for objects communal except when a new agreement is universal. Because life should be meaningful so philosophical edification Eagles hawks become the object of effective rational explained to the students in order to understand, believe and practise through the heartland of Pancasila against garuda emblem.

Key words: Bird Garuda, Myth, History, Morphology, Symbolic Interaction

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